Bioxytran Inc. Bolsters Advisory Board with Addition of Veteran Financial Advisor Jonathan Barkman

BOSTON, July 26, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BIOXYTRAN, INC. (OTC:BIXT), a developmental stage biotechnology company developing a pipeline ofanti-necrosis drugs designed to treat hypoxia by delivering a small moleculecarrying oxygen to the brain of stroke victims announced today that it hasretained Jonathan Barkman to join Bioxytran’s Advisory Board to assist in thecritical capitalization process for Bioxytran’s flagship drug, BXT-25.

Mr. Barkman has over 25 years of experience in the financeindustry. This experience started with his initial days as a financial analystand trader which lead to his leadership role as First Vice President of JanneyMontgomery Scott. LLC and as Founder and CEO of Riverview Capital EnterprisesLLC. Mr. Barkman became a trusted advisor to not only his individual clientsbut many small and micro-cap companies such as Bioxytran.

“Mr. Barkman is a sought-after advisor on strategic mergers &acquisitions, capital financing, and business development for emerging growthcompanies. He will be a valuable addition to Bioxytran’s Advisory Board and hisduties will commence immediately.” stated David Platt, CEO of Bioxytran. “Hehas been dealing with top-tiered Investment Banking firms and we hope to puthis expertise to work right away.  Our publications and scientificjournals have attracted recent interest in our company.  Mr. Barkman willinherit our pipeline of potential collaboration partners and help us identifythe most suited organizations that warrant additional discussion.  He bringsa lot of excitement and energy to the team and we are very happy to have himaboard during this critical time.”

Mr. Jonathan Barkman’s duties shall include, advisingand consulting on financings, mergers, licensing, strategic alliances, andshareholder awareness campaigns. He is a former First Vice Presidentof Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC and is the founder and CEO of RiverviewCapital Enterprises LLC and a seasoned veteran in the industry.

“I have assisted many small and micro-cap companies to raise capitaland enhance the investor relations programs” added Barkman.  “Achievingthe proper capitalization to bring our new drug through the clinical trialprocess in a timely manner will be my initial focus. After reviewing the listcollaboration partners, I think we can put Bioxtytran on a sound trajectory ofgrowth for the years to come.  My preference is to look at non-dilutivelicensing alternatives before taking on the complexity of a merger.  Iunderstand the delicate balance between fund raising and meeting the milestonesof drug development.  As an advisor on this team, I expect to utilize allmy skillsets that I have accrued over the years to ensure the success ofBioxytran’s flagship drug BXT-25.”

About Bioxytran, Inc.

Bioxytran Inc. is a developmental stage biotechnology company. Thecompany is working towards a first-in-class oxygen treatment platform forvictims of brain stroke trauma. The first product to proceed to testing isBXT-25, which will be evaluated as a resuscitative agent to treat strokes,especially during the all-critical first hour following a stroke. The productwill also be evaluated for its efficacy in treating other brain trauma issues.BXT-25 is based on a new molecule designed to reverse hypoxia in the brain. Hypoxic brain injuries such as ischemic strokes, could be treated withBXT-25 via an intravenous injection that quickly allows the drug molecule totravel to the lungs and bind with the oxygen molecules. From the lungs themolecule mimics a red blood cell traveling to the brain. Since the molecule is5,000 times smaller than red blood cells it can penetrate the clot and deliverthe oxygen to the critical areas in the brain blocked by the clot. To learnmore, visit our website:

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes forward-looking statements as definedunder federal law, including those related to the performance of technologydescribed in this press release. These forward looking statements are generallyidentified by the words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,”“intend,” “plan,” and similar expressions, although not all forward-lookingstatements contain these identifying words. Such statements are subject to significantrisks, assumptions and uncertainties. Known material factors that could causeBioxytran’s actual results to differ materially from the results contemplatedby such forward-looking statements are described in the forward lookingstatements and risk factors in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for thefiscal year ended December 31, 2018 and those risk factors set forth fromtime-to-time in other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.Bioxytran undertakes no obligation to correct or update any forward-lookingstatement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise,except to the extent required under federal securities laws.

Source: Bioxytran Inc.

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