Bioxytran Inc. Appoints Cynthia Ekberg Tsai to Company Advisory Board

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, July 31, 2019 (GLOBENEWSWIRE) -- BIOXYTRAN, INC. (OTC: BIXT), a developmental stage biotechnologycompany with a pipeline of anti-necrosis drugs designed to treat hypoxia bydelivering a small molecule carrying oxygen to the brain of stroke victims,announced today that it has appointed Cynthia Ekberg Tsai to the company’sAdvisory Board. Ms. Tsai will work with  Bioxytran’s leadership to engagekey opinion leaders, organizations, and global research institutions incollaborating with Bioxytran’s flagship drug, BXT-25.

Ms. Tsai comes to Bioxytran with more than 30years of experience in global biotechnology and medical technologies.  Ms.Tsai spent 16 years on Wall Street as a Vice President with Merrill Lynch andKidder Peabody. She currently is CEO of Tana Systems, a global software and ITcompany based in the U.S. and India. Ms. Tsai is the former Founder and CEO ofHealthExpo, the largest consumer healthcare event in the US, where she grew theenterprise from concept to execution, attracting more than 50 million consumersto HealthExpo. Previously, Ms. Tsai was a General Partner in MassTech Ventures,a multi-million-dollar equity fund focused on technology development atMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Ms. Tsai currently serves on the Boardof Selectors for the Jefferson Foundation Awards and is on the board of thePrix Galien Foundation. In 1999, the Harvard Business School Alumni Chapter inNew York recognized Ms. Tsai with an Early Stage Honor Roll Award forEntrepreneurship. In 2004, she also received a “Leading Woman Entrepreneur ofthe World” Award from the Star Foundation in Overland Park, Kansas. She earneda B.A. in Psychology from the University of Missouri.

“We believe Cynthia will open many doors, bothinternationally and domestically, for Bioxytran,” stated Bioxytran CEO, DavidPlatt.  “Her vast experience and connections with financial institutionsand opinion leaders makes her an ideal advisor.  She is also an opinionleader in her own right in the field of healthcare and comes in contact withmany new and interesting technologies that could be valuable to Bioxtran’splatform technology.”

Ms. Tsai commented that “I believe thatBioxytran’s revolutionary oxygen delivery technology represents a game changingdevelopment in the global health world. The vast array of indications forBXT-25 could be astounding.  Clinicians currently use hyperbaric chambersto transport oxygen to treat many diseases, but are constrained by availabilityand infrastructure costs.  Once approved, Bioxytran’s pipeline of drugscould broaden access to oxygen therapy in general.   In addition, Ihope to bring much needed awareness to key opinion leaders about the potentialuse of BXT-25 as a new therapeutic medicine for stroke patients.” “

About Bioxytran, Inc.

Bioxytran Inc. is a developmental stagebiotechnology company. The company is working towards a first-in-class oxygentreatment platform for victims of brain stroke trauma. The first product toproceed to testing is BXT-25, which will be evaluated as a resuscitative agentto treat strokes, especially during the all-critical first hour following astroke. The product will also be evaluated for its efficacy in treating otherbrain trauma issues. BXT-25 is based on a new molecule designed to reversehypoxia in the brain.  Hypoxic brain injuries such as ischemic strokes,could be treated with BXT-25 via an intravenous injection that quickly allowsthe drug molecule to travel to the lungs and bind with the oxygen molecules.From the lungs the molecule mimics a red blood cell traveling to the brain.Since the molecule is 5,000 times smaller than red blood cells it can penetratethe clot and deliver the oxygen to the critical areas in the brain blocked bythe clot. To learn more, visit our website:

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This press releaseincludes forward-looking statements as defined under federal law, includingthose related to the performance of technology described in this press release.These forward looking statements are generally identified by the words“believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” and similarexpressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain theseidentifying words. Such statements are subject to significant risks,assumptions and uncertainties. Known material factors that could causeBioxytran’s actual results to differ materially from the results contemplatedby such forward-looking statements are described in the forward lookingstatements and risk factors in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for thefiscal year ended December 31, 2018 and those risk factors set forth fromtime-to-time in other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.Bioxytran undertakes no obligation to correct or update any forward-lookingstatement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise,except to the extent required under federal securities laws.

Source: Bioxytran Inc.